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The R-MC cleaning concept
R-MC offers a total cleaning concept with fluids and injection systems tailor-made for different engine types.All engines from automotive and marine diesel engines to aviation and industrial turbines will benefit from the use of R-MC.
Substantial fuel saving
Full power outputs restored
Optimun running temperatures
Reduced exhaust emissions
Lower maintenance costs
Environmentally friendly products
R-MC Surfactant Fluid Series :
R-MC G21 (C4)
R-MC G21 (C19)
R-MC Power Back (C4)
R-MC Power Back (C12)
The original Super-Surfactants
Products for all engine types
Environmentally sound; aqueous-based, NON-TOXIC, NON-FLAMMABLE, READILY BIODEGRADABLE
Patented GT compressor cleaning fluids are specially formulated to remain effective THROUGHOUT THE LENGTH OF THE COMPRESSOR
Inhibitors are used to eliminate degradation between on-line cleaning
Reciprocating engine fluids are designed to maintain turbo-charger, intercooler and induction tracts operating at peak efficiency
Patented high-pressure wash systems
Approved by the world's leading gas turbine manufactures
In many cased the fluid delivery system can be the limiting factor
R-MC provide delivery systems for Gas Turbine and Reciprocating Engine applications
Tailored to specific engine applications
For examples the 'Atomax' is our patented, high-pressure, multi-stage GT compressor cleaning system that provides automatic, semi-automatic or manual operation whilst reducing fluids use through effective atomisation and delivery criteria
